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Here in the Anime Society we get together regularly to watch and discuss all things Anime! We get together to draw, watch films and discuss our favourite Anime characters and finds. If you're passionate about Anime or an Anime amateur, come along and give it a try! 


Free to attend and open to all! 


Please sign up using your University email address.​


Please note by signing up to the mailing list you agree to abide by the Society Members Code of Conduct, which can be found on the main LAU Societies page.

Sign up to the Anime society!

Way to go! The society leader will be in touch soon!

  • LAU Anime Society Facebook

Find us on Facebook

Union Email:

Student President Email:

Office phone number: 0113 202 8297

Follow us on: @leedsartsunion @leedsartspresident


We are located at the Blenheim Walk campus at the end of the cafe: Blenheim Walk, Woodhouse, Leeds LS2 9AQ



Our usual office hours are:

Monday 9am - 5pm

Tuesday 9am - 5pm

Wednesday 9am - 5pm

Thursday 9am - 5pm

Friday 9am - 4:30pm

Saturday closed

Sunday closed

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