This week our spotlight is on one of our new societies - Fashion Magazine, run by Millie Marshall and Emily Bradley on Fashion Branding! Student Union: What type of work do you produce?
Millie: Creative direction and marketing.
Emily: Creative direction, styling, and fashion photography.
Student Union: Who and what inspires you?
Millie: Patricia Field a costume designer, and my mum/family friends.
Emily: Amber Asaly and Miranda Priestly.

Above, Emily's work.
Student Union: What message do you want your work to convey if any? / When do you feel like you're at your most creative? / What's your working process?
Millie: My aim for all my work is to reflect true brand values, especially when we get to choose a brand ourselves. I want people to see my work and know who the brand is, what they stand for and their aesthetic. I really enjoy showcasing a message and identity through creative outlets. I feel I am at my most creative when I am around my friends and we are all brainstorming or when i am watching films or tv programmes that have always inspired me, eg Sex and the City and Ugly Betty. My working process is quite chaotic, I am not the most organised but I write every idea I have down and always pull apart every though process so nothing is left out, I want to make sure i explore all options.
Emily: I always want my work to live up to my expectations and reflect the hard work that I put in. In other words I'm a perfectionist. I feel like I'm at my most creative when I'm around others who inspire me. My working process is basically thinking of a crazy concept and then hoping that I can actually achieve it with the resources I have. I usually don't plan much and just go with what feels right in the moment.
Student Union: Who do you make your work for?
Emily: Myself! If I like the concept and think that it's cool then that's what I'm gonna do.
Student Union: What advice would you give to other artists thinking about coming to study at LAU?
Millie: Be open minded to new theories and ideas. Its a whole new world but enjoy it and just keep going as sometimes you will feel lost but things always work out in the end.
Above, Millie's work.
Student Union: What are your plans for the future?
Emily: I would love to be a creative director for a fashion magazine or a cool brand.
Student Union: If you had the opportunity to collaborate with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?
Millie: I would choose to work with Patricia Field, I just think her ideas and mind is crazy and I would learn so much from her.
Student Union: What drives you?
Emily: Seeing all my friends around me doing cool things! I can't wait to grow with everyone and work in the creative industry doing what I love.
If you want to see more of Millie's and Emily's work you can find them on Instagram at @milliexfashioncomms and @embradleydesigns!