Hi, my name’s Elliot Birt and I'm the President of the Life Drawing Society.
The purpose of the society is to train the most important artistic skill, your hand, eye coordination. If you can draw well then trust me, everything else becomes easier, painting, sculpture, even things you wouldn't think about like pottery throwing or video editing. It’s all about training that ability to draw anything and everything; after all, there's a reason why as far back as the renaissance period (and further), that life drawing has been the bedrock and foundation of Fine Art practices. If you can draw what you can see, then you can draw whatever's in your head, and that's the reason I joined the society.
My favourite moments of being a part of the Life Drawing Society are those rare times when you're in the zone and your hand and your eyes are working in complete harmony, and by the end of it, you come away with a beautiful drawing. It’s also a really great place to meet people with a shared interest in drawing, especially pre-COVID because the sessions were held at Headrow House; a great place to be able to socialise with other members of the society.
If you're ever curious about signing up for a session, click here to join the society, and keep an eye out on the What’s On calendar to see when the sessions are taking place. We're one of the oldest societies at Leeds Arts and we'd love for you to join!