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As a student at Leeds Arts University, you are automatically a member of Leeds Arts Union but what does that mean?​ It means that you've got the right.. to party! Seriously though, it means that your voice and your opinions are at the heart of everything we do and how we run. It also means you can join and take part in any Union event, activity or society you choose. 


As a member, it's your right to hold your Union accountable! Come to our President Drop In events, where you can find out what the Union has been up to, and ask any questions you may have. 


With the election of Student Representatives and Student Executive Officers, we make sure students are sitting on committees throughout the University, feeding back your opinions and getting your questions answered. This is the heart of Leeds Arts Union, representing the voices of our student community. 


Not for you? That's ok! You can opt-out any time.  Click the link below. and this will direct you to the University's eStudio page where you can choose to opt-out if necessary.

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