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One huge way in which we make sure that everyone has the opportunity to share their opinions is through the election of Student Representatives in each course and year. 

Elected by peers, student Reps ensure that the voices of all students are heard and 
provide a crucial link to University staff and management; enabling feedback, opinions and the thoughts of the students to be heard throughout the University.

This provides all of our students with a way of sharing their thoughts about their University experience and helping to implement necessary changes and make the big decisions that effect them and future generations of LAU students. 



Our Student Reps speak with University management, course leaders, tutors and the Union in regular meetings throughout the year. They will speak and listen to their fellow students and take forward issues, problems and positive feedback from their course and University experience. 


Our Student Reps are highly valued in their role and play an important part in creating positive change and making the University a great place to study.


Are you interested in becoming a Student Rep? All students are able to nominate themselves to stand as a Student Rep for their course. To find out more about what it is to be a Student Rep and how to nominate, hit the 'Become a Rep' button below! 

Want to know more about how to become a Rep?

Already a Rep? Here's your resources!

Have Your Say

There are opportunities throughout the year to present your ideas for events, activities and forums to the Students' Union! You can do this by speaking directly to the Union team, approaching your Student Exec Officers or sending your ideas through to us email at


Have something you want to share right now? Go ahead and complete the 24/7 form.


 24/7 FORM

Thanks for your thoughts!

One of the team will be in touch.


Each year, we hold the Student Elections. Whether you want to run for one of the Executive Officer roles or just exercise your democratic right, the annual Student Elections give every student the opportunity to decide who will lead the Union for the year ahead. Your Union will listen to your ideas and opinions, organise campaigns, events, activities & societies for you to get involved in.


There are a number of roles up for grabs each year. The Student President role is a paid position and is open to undergraduate students that year. All other roles can be filled by any current student. 


Being part of the Union’s diverse team can provide you with a huge amount of experience that will prove to be invaluable in your future! Successful students will develop new skills and gain confidence in communication and leadership through meetings, organising events and activities; whilst campaigning and creating positive change. You’ll not only have a great year but you will play an important role in making a difference to your fellow students.


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