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Becoming a Student Representative is a great opportunity to gain valuable skills and experience whilst studying. Being a Student Rep is all about sharing the student experience. 


For Foundation and Extended Diploma students, you would attend up to three meetings with your course tutors and support staff. One Student Rep would also attend the University's Further Education Committee. For Degree and Postgraduate students, you would attend two meetings with the Vice-Chancellor and up to three meetings with your course tutors and support staff. 


All Student Reps would be invited to attend our Union FORUM meetings. These are not mandatory and are open to all students to join. 


In the role, you would be supported by the Union to gain feedback and opinions from your course peers. You would also help the University and Union to feedback any information back to the students to ensure that everyone is kept in the loop and involved.


Your Union supports all our Student Reps to make sure you have the skills and abilities to get the most out of the role - for you and your fellow course mates. 


As a Student Rep you’ll get to learn and develop a whole host of skills that will make you stand out from the crowd in the world of employment. From leadership and communication skills, problem-solving and negotiations, collecting information and time management, to meeting etiquette and building confidence – the list goes on!


Not only does putting Student Rep on your CV look fantastic, but you will also get to meet different students from different courses, hopefully starting potential opportunities for collaboration and friendships. 


The Union provides all Student Reps with training, support and advice throughout their time in the role! Whether this is how to get feedback from peers or advice on any issues. 



Each course democratically elects their own Student Reps every year in October. All students are eligible to stand in their courses election and every student will vote on who they would like to represent them.


Interested in becoming a Student Rep? Keep your eye out for information emailed to you and for Rep elections in your course spaces. â€‹After you have been voted into position, we will be in touch to provide you with all the information that you need!  


If you have any questions or just need some more information right now, please email

0113 202 8297


We are located at the Blenheim Walk campus at the end of the cafe:

Blenheim Walk, Woodhouse, Leeds LS2 9AQ


Terms and Conditions 

Our usual office hours are:

Mondays 9am - 5pm

Tuesdays 9am - 5pm

Wednesday 9am - 5pm

Thursday 9am - 5pm

Friday 9am - 4:30pm

Saturdays closed

Sundays closed

  • Leeds Arts Union Facebook
  • Leeds Arts Union Instagram
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