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Student Spotlight | Raise and Give Week Special | Caroline Orrell

We thought Raise and Give Week was the perfect opportunity to sit down with your Raise and Give Officers! In this interview we sat down with Caroline, level 6 Vis Comm student to hear all about how she uses her work to make positive change in the world.

Students’ Union: Hi Caroline, firstly tell us about the kind of work you produce?

Caroline: I love creating work that engages the senses, anything immersive that makes use of light, shadows and reflections. I also love film and photography which has played a large role in my sensory projects.

Students’ Union: That sounds interesting, who and what inspires you to make this work?

Caroline: I am hugely inspired by the global community and the need for more empathy and understanding in the world. My experiences of other cultures have opened up my world view and driven me to elicit positive change.

Students’ Union: How do you find that filters into your work, is there a message you want your work to convey?

Caroline: I want my work to open up people's minds and provide a space for them to question and consider certain topics within a different context. I feel most creative when I'm in a new environment that allows me to look at things differently.

Students’ Union: That’s the perfect example of the 4 stages of learning, you need to be way out your comfort zone to learn new things and grow as a human being as well as a creative! As you continue to grow and explore where do you hope your art takes you?

Caroline: Anywhere and everywhere! I have absolutely no idea what I want to do but I do know that I want to have an adventure! I would love to work within the NGO sector and see my work have a real impact.

Students’ Union: Well your work has definitely had a real impact within the Students’ Union! If you weren’t an artist, what would you see yourself doing?

Caroline: If I wasn't an artist, I would probably be travelling the world in a converted van with a dog, living life as one big adventure. (I will probably still do this!) I would also likely work with NGOs or Social Enterprises.

Students’ Union: That sounds like the perfect progression from LAU RAG Officer! Lastly, why do you do what you do?

Caroline: I want others to feel the same sense of wonder and inspiration when they look at my work as I do when I'm creating it. I believe art is a powerful tool and be universal in its language, breaking barriers of communication.

Students’ Union: We completely agree! Thank you so much for sharing with us today Caroline.

If you want to check out more of Caroline’s work you can find her @Caroline_elizabeth_creative and make sure to follow @LeedsArtsRAG to keep up to date with everything Raise and Give.

0113 202 8297

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