Poppy, Student President, & Kaya, Sustainability Officer, are both super passionate about spending time in nature to benefit our wellbeing. That's why they want to share their love of getting out into those beautiful green spaces of Leeds.

Getting out in to nature is incredibly important for your mental health and wellbeing. It's a given. Breathing that fresh air in and breathing out all that negative energy is not only theraputic but hugely relaxing. Whether you're in a creative rut, need some space to yourself or just want to get some of that Vit D, there's a wealth of benefits in going out for a stroll.
Over the past few months, getting outside and into nature has been a lifeline to some. When you're feeling cooped up there's been nothing better than just getting a little fresh air. We've all felt how important these moments have been. In what has been a challenging year, it has been a welcomed piece of postivity that has seen many cherish days spent in our local parks, nature reserves and walking routes.
Leeds, and it's citizens [you lucky ducks], are fortunate to have pick of numerous parks and green spaces in the local area. We're equally lucky to be surrounded by incredible moors, dales and valleys, if getting further afield to explore is something that the tier restrictions allow. Not sure where to look? Take a look at Leeds Lists 12 best parks on our doorstep here.

Other Ways to Walk
Our big shout out goes to the amazing 'Other Ways to Walk' project by Rachel Howfield Massey. Rachel is an artist and wellbeing expert with over 20 years of experience of working creatively in arts and health.​
Other Ways to Walk began as a series of journals and notebooks documenting Rachel's efforts to get a bit closer to the places she was walking.
"Whether you are walking for escape, solitude, fitness, slowness, happiness or fresh air, Other Ways to Walk cards add a twist of surprise to your journey."
You can find out more about Rachel's work and how to get your very own Other Ways to Walk cards by visiting her website at www.otherwaystowalk.co.uk/
Want to take it a step forward? [pun definitely intended!] Why not check out the Benefits of Nature campaign?
Tag @leedsartsunion in all your Welfare Fortnight activities! Check out the What's On calendar for even more events here: https://www.leedsartsunion.org.uk/whats-on