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Leeds Arts Union
May 13, 2022
Communities in LAU to Tackle Loneliness
This week from 9th-15th of May is Mental Health Awareness Week, and we’re focusing particularly on this year's theme of loneliness. From...

Leeds Arts Union
Feb 5, 2021
Reconnect to: Where you are
Our weekend prompt is reconnect to where you are. Reconnecting to your surroundings and the landscape around you can be a really powerful...

Leeds Arts Union
Feb 5, 2021
Reconnect to: Nature
Today, we’re focusing on reconnecting to nature. Reconnecting to the natural world has never been more powerful. Whether this is to...

Leeds Arts Union
Feb 4, 2021
Reconnect to: You
"It was really important to me during the first lockdown to get out and do a big walk almost everyday…

Leeds Arts Union
Nov 30, 2020
The Art of Cooking – Exec Recipes | Day 8 | Welfare Fortnight
Following on from 'The Art of Cooking' launch from your Activities Officers, Izzie & Rosie, we bring you some special recipe picks from...

Leeds Arts Union
Nov 28, 2020
Switch off from the world | Day 7 | Welfare Fortnight
Today's blog post has been a combined effort from a few people; Georgie and Mary, your Welfare Officers, with their 10 top tips for...

Leeds Arts Union
Nov 27, 2020
Leeds Green Spaces | Day 5 | Welfare Fortnight
Poppy, Student President, & Kaya, Sustainability Officer, are both super passionate about spending time in nature to benefit our...

Poppy Belcham, Student President
Nov 26, 2020
Write it all Down | Day 4 | Welfare Fortnight
Hi everyone! Mary and Georgie here, your Welfare Officers, we wanted you to have a journaling resource for you to use when things are...

Leeds Arts Union
Nov 20, 2020
Student Spotlight | #06 | Georgie Pardoe
We recently had the opportunity to talk to Textile Design student and Welfare Officer Georgie Pardoe about how she ensures that fun is a...

Leeds Arts Union
Nov 19, 2020
Write a future email to yourself | Day 4 | Welfare Fortnight
Hey All! It’s Izzie and Rosie your Activities Officers! We hope you’re enjoying lockdown 2.0! This is the perfect time to remind...

Leeds Arts Union
Oct 19, 2020
Finding Your Cause with Lucy Scott
In light of the coronavirus pandemic and Black Lives Matter movement, now more than ever, artists are being called upon to respond to an...

Leeds Arts Union
Apr 20, 2020
Declutter | Day 9 | Self Care Challenge
It's the final day of the challenge but this doesn't have to be the end, reuse these tips any time you like!

Leeds Arts Union
Apr 19, 2020
Practice mindfulness | Day 8 | Self Care Challenge
Feeling anxious and out of control? Give mindful thinking a try!

Leeds Arts Union
Apr 18, 2020
Random act of kindness | Day 7 | Self Care Challenge
When you make a cuppa for a friend, it's like giving them a hug in a mug.

Leeds Arts Union
Apr 17, 2020
Write about it | Day 6 | Self Care Challenge
Dear diary, the 10 Days of Self Care Challenge is the best thing ever!

Leeds Arts Union
Apr 16, 2020
Get moving | Day 5 | Self Care Challenge
It's time to move it, move it. It's time to move it, move it. It's time to... MOVE IT!

Leeds Arts Union
Apr 15, 2020
Treat yourself | Day 4 | Self Care Challenge
If you can't love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else, can I get an Amen?!

Leeds Arts Union
Apr 14, 2020
Spend time in nature | Day 3 | Self Care Challenge
Remember that bit in Cinderella where the birds dress her?? TODAY THAT'S YOU!

Leeds Arts Union
Apr 13, 2020
Listen to a podcast | Day 2 | Self Care Challenge
Welcome to day two of the self care challenge! Why not give your ears a treat with our conclusive list of every great podcast available.

Leeds Arts Union
Apr 12, 2020
Unplug | Day 1 | Self Care Challenge
Well hey to day one! That's right, step away from your iPhone, turn off the TV, it's time to re-wire your brain (see what we did there?!!).
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